Yoga for Better Sleep
So turn down your lights, play relaxing music on and quiet your mind.
Uttanasana (rag doll)
Bring your feet hip width distance or wider and feel free to have a soft bend in your knees. The goal here is to
get your heart space towards your thighs. Allow your head to physically hang heavy and think about the
weight of your head stretching your spine and down the back of your legs. If it’s hard for you to release your
head and neck there’s an option to enter lace your hands and put a little bit of pressure on the back of your
neck this will help you release a bit more. If releasing your head physically is not an issue then take your
hands to elbows and just hang. With every inhale find length in your spine and every exhale think about
melting your chest to your thighs and your head towards the ground. When we allow your heads to hang
below our hearts it calms our nervous system. Stay here and take 10-15 breaths.
Paschimottanasana ( Seated Forward fold)
Come to a comfortable seated position with your legs out in front of you. Find you sit bones and root up from
there, then begin to bend forward allowing you knees to come off the mat if necessary, we want to honor and
respect our bodies and meet them where they are -remember this is a stretch to make you feel restful not
stressed out! Flex your feet towards you shins and connect your hands to your feet or as far as you reach. With
every inhale think about lengthening your spin and every exhale think about releasing forward. Stay there for
10-15 breaths and enjoy the sensation all up the backs of your legs, through your back and to your neck.
Viparita Karani (Legs up the Wall)
Come laying down on the ground near a wall. Scoot your bum as close to the wall as possible and send your
legs up. Allow your spin the lengthen and your head to rest heavy. Close your eyes and take your left hand to
your heart space and right hand on your stomach. Stay here for 30 breaths.
Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle)
Come laying down on the ground, take the souls of your feet together and allow your knees to go off to the
sides, melting down towards the ground. Feel the deep stretch in your inner thighs. Take your left hand to
your heart right hand to your belly and check in with your breath. Maybe you begin to notice if its deep or
shallow. Shut your eyes and stay here for 20- 30 breaths.
Savasana (Corpse Pose)
Curl up into a little ball hugging your knees to your chest, while your there breath in all the air you can and
hold it, and as you do say one thing you love about yourself. On your next exhale allow your body to come
laying down on the ground. Take up as much space as you need and let the insides of your feet shine up.
Send your palms up to receive energy or palms down to ground yourself. Stay here for as long as you need
and then transition to your bed for a beautiful nights rest.