Here’s Why On Demand Fitness is Here to Stay
Don’t get me wrong– I’ll never downplay the benefits of working out and sharing a real, physical space in the studio. The whole experience is unique to the location, the community, and just the shared presence and energy under the same roof. Being in person is always ideal, but we know that it isn’t always easy (or even possible) getting there.
When that is the case, the option of on demand classes can also be ideal, especially in terms of convenience. It’s like Facetime or Zoom. A virtual call isn’t the same as seeing your best friend in real life, but it is incredible to have that option– especially if they live in another state, time zone, or country.
When I was growing up, we didn’t have cell phones. Our social connections depended on real life interactions, supplemented by passing handwritten notes or calls on the shared family landline. In terms of time, that wasn’t even that long ago (really, I’m not *that* old!) and I’m sure many of you remember life before technology changed how we do everything, for better or worse.
We can’t deny that technology makes life easier. It most definitely makes communication easier, maybe even too easy at times. When we can’t meet in real life due to distance or lack of time, virtual technology gives us the next best thing— and it is seriously amazing because it gives us a huge opportunity to offer our classes directly to you, wherever you are.
Sometimes, almost is everything.
The word virtual comes from the root word virtue. Virtual is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as “almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition.” This meaning has been applied to technology, creating new meanings and connotations, but its broad definition gave me some new insight.
Virtual technology allows us to meet with others virtually, or almost, as we could in real life. Almost is everything— especially when the real thing is not easy, possible, or safe.
The Energy Barre will always have our studio and you’ll always be welcome and encouraged to join us in real life, but we also realize that more and more people appreciate the virtual option to work out remotely. Technology offers us the opportunity to connect without any limits– and our On Demand classes utilize this trend.
And let’s be real– this is a trend that is here to stay. It is happening in all aspects of our life, so it is no surprise that virtual exercise is trending. Technology makes it easier than ever to stay home. In addition to Facetime and Zoom, there are so many specific apps that allow us to do things at home that used to require leaving the house. There’s Amazon, Doordash, Turbo Tax, Carvana, Venmo– just to name a few. Convenience is of course the driving force behind many of these options– but it is not the only thing that matters. At-home options still need to maintain almost the same level of effectiveness to really compete against the real thing– and technology is only recently able to deliver that.
Fitness Classes at Home Are Not New…
There were efforts in the past to offer the convenience of working out at home, but only recently has technology been able to deliver a truly effective alternative. Does anyone remember Billy Blanks Tae Bo in the early 1990s? And before that craze, there were the flashy aerobics videos led by Richard Simmons and Jane Fonda in the 1980s. Remember the big hair? The neon unitards layered over leggings and legwarmers? Thankfully, our style has evolved, too!
The VHS home video craze ignited the first wave of home workouts– the problem? It wasn’t sustainable. You either did the same workout over and over again, or amassed a huge collection of VHS videos– and even still, you faced limited options and limited tapes with little variety. The convenience factor of working out at home had the high price of rewatching the same workouts again and again– and there weren’t many instructors beyond the big names given the barriers of distribution and production.
Another problem? These videos were made for massive, general audiences and as a result, they were impersonal and disconnected from any sense of community. Unless you had your own small group taking on Tae Bo, there was no feeling of inclusion or belonging. These instructors had no idea you existed– and with no internet or social media, they had no way to engage with their vast audience.
The Streaming Solution
Streaming services have completely changed the way we watch television. Today, most people have several subscriptions to on demand streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV, HBO Max, Disney+, and countless others. The incredible thing about streaming is that new content is added instantly, directly to you, to watch at any time. These platforms also create more opportunities for smaller scale productions.
Youtube has also created new opportunities for individuals to launch their own videos and content– and streaming services see the value in small scale productions that are possible because of the widespread access to video technology. With smartphones, the general population has access to high quality cameras that can produce incredible videos without a full production team.
As a result, fitness and exercise classes are able to reach new audiences through devices and platforms that allow instructors to create and share content on a regular basis and share directly with viewers. Peloton is probably one of the most notable examples of this transition to home fitness, but smaller studios have no limits. The best options for on demand fitness offer not only convenience, but other important elements like variety, quality, relevancy, and community engagement. Thanks to the new capabilities of tech, we have the ability to meet all those needs.
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, we all realized how important it is to have these options. Lockdown forced us to make the switch to staying home– and even as restrictions are lifted, many people have realized that staying home has major benefits at times. Not only are more people working from home, but more people were working out from home. We learned how to adapt and maintain our entire lives mostly at home, and some of those changes are sticking. Look at the popularity of hybrid work models– people appreciate having the option to go into the office or stay home when it is convenient. People appreciate that same option when it comes to working out.
Looking Ahead at the Trends in Fitness
When we make any predictions about future trends, we have to consider the generation who is driving the changes or directions. When we look at Millennials, we know that they are tech-savvy. They also tend to exercise more than the generations before them. Nielsen data from 2014 found that 81% of Millennials exercise or would like to, versus 61% of boomers according to this article from BrightMark Consulting. And finally, Millennials also like staying home, even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. A 2019 analysis of a decade’s worth of the American Time Use Surveys found that Millennials spend 70% more time at home than the general population according to this article from Quartz.
This is my own speculation, but I think these trends are probably directly related to access to the internet and technology. Younger generations may have a greater sense of awareness when it comes to their physical health and wellness because they have more access to information thanks to the internet. And, Millennials are probably staying home more often because technology allows them to do many things at home– shop, socialize, and even take fitness classes. To me, it would make sense that Gen Z and younger generations will likely continue with these trends.
Why Energy Barre On Demand?
If you’ve been to the studio before, you already know what to expect from our On Demand options. We bring our signature style and high energy the same way we do in person.
We’ve been offering our On Demand classes since 2015, and the popularity continues to grow, along with our library of at-home workouts. And we post new videos every week, so you’ll always have new workouts and a plenty of options.
What I love about the On Demand option is that it gives so many new members the option to try our classes, and it gives our longtime members a convenient option to work out with us at home. Having both options is just like a hybrid work model– you have the option to work out in the studio when you want to or at home when it is more convenient. And, thanks to social media, we can all stay connected, even if you workout remotely.
We offer a wide range of classes at different lengths of time– from 10 to 50+ mins– to fit your schedule and your needs. We add new classes every week with all of the variety you’ve come to expect from The Energy Barre. Choose from a selection of barre inspired fitness classes, yoga, and meditation classes led by our team of talented instructors.